Monday, August 20, 2012

late night photos

I have my camera for two years? (i am not really sure, i am so sorry lol). But it was just until yesterday that i discovered that it has a wide screen setting for taking photos. How cool is that? I appreciate my camera more because of this feature. The only problem though is that it is for taking photos only, and lately i am more interested in taking random videos than taking random photographs. But i am trying my best to regain my interest in taking photographs, starting now. I am done watching the film i need to catch for my one subject and so i decided to try some shots using this setting. I think the shots are pretty nice. Here's some sample. 

A gift from my boyfriend two years ago. 

How my desk looks like right now.

Sorry, but it is just now that i am watching this video. I know the story you know, i am kinda lazy to click. lol

Random reading of my sister.

My phone!

How random is this? lol 

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