Thursday, October 25, 2012

behind the scenes of BFLC's sponsorship video

These photos are one-month late. I am really sorry, but still, i uploaded it. These were the photos our group took when we stayed at Lamut, Ifugao for the production of BFLC's sponsorship video. I already told you what happened during our stay there so yeah, just check out the photos. 
Our view. Nice right? And that poso? We once took a bath there. lol
This is my happy face.
We had a little photoshoot to test our reflector. But at the end of the shoot, we actually did not use it.
We used this book for our reference.
And of course, sky shots.
Guess what, this is our shot list, yeah, on these papers.
This is Greak.
Another sky shots.
Random shots at Greak's house.
Chan's pagod look after the shoot.
Happy groupiees.
Swaggers? I am sorry i can't think of a good caption for these photos. lol
Sky shots. I am sorry, i really like skies.

This is Greak again. This kid is just so adorable.

PS: These photos are taken using my Canon SX120.

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