Wednesday, November 21, 2012

a little update for you guys!

After one week since second term started I am already busy, not with my subject but because of my commitment with UP Baguio Editorial Board 2013. For those who don’t know I am elected as the layout artist for our college. For the past few days I am finalizing the layout for our batch year book. To tell you the truth I am really conscious for what will be the final output for this, since I am basically the one who will design the entire book, I have this feeling that if my batch mates don’t like our year book, it’s entirely my fault. But still, I know that my EB mates will be there.

Anyway, I quit my job for this Indian outsourcing company because I need to focus on my job as a layout artist of our batch. Also, I really don’t feel the articles he is assigning me to do. But still, at least I experienced talking business stuff with an Indian guy, which is good because I am imagining that I am talking to Rajesh (Hello Big Bang Theory fans!). I’ll try looking for a job maybe next year.

So to end this post, here’s a song from Mayday Parade. Another favorite song from their self-titled album Enjoy!


That's all!

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